Friday, November 13, 2009

President's Statement

November 12, 2009

During the past year I committed myself to open a dialogue between the WDA and USA for the betterment of the German shepherd dog in the United States. Those discussions actually led to an agreement to work out details of a merger. However, the possibility of a merger unfortunately dissipated when the WDA signed a contract to continue their association with the GSDCA.

As an organization, we should be very proud of our accomplishments over the past thirty three years. The United Schutzhund Clubs of America, as a breed club, has played a most significant role in reestablishing the German shepherd dog in the United States as a truly utilitarian breed. I was recently reminded, by a GSDCA member that the GSDCA is the oldest German shepherd dog club in the world with the exception of the SV. Isn’t it strange, as to the severe differences in both structure and temperament that now exist?

The recent by-law change that was presented at the General Board Meeting was done so with one thought in mind: to protect the United Schutzhund Clubs of America and the FCI breed standard for the German shepherd dog by eliminating the “Conflict of Interest” that is evidenced by those members who are also members of competing German shepherd dog organizations. This by-law change was accepted by the necessary 2/3 majority vote of the General Board. Several of those that were in the 1/3 minority have admitted to being members of the GSDCA and GSDCA WDA. Obviously, this is a conflict of interest, whether they were conscious of it or not.

The by-law is now in effect for anyone seeking membership in the United Schutzhund Clubs of America and will affect current members when they renew their membership.

I have received many letters and phone calls of support for this by-law change from our membership and of course have also heard from those that are unhappy with the outcome. Many have expressed that they are not happy about being told what they can or cannot do. I ask you to think of the future and the necessary steps to protect our breed and our organization from those who may attempt to destroy it and you will possibly come to the same realization as those members of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America whom voted in favor of this by-law. This by-law shall make evident that we, as an organization, cannot and will not sacrifice thirty three years of effort to reestablish the FCI and WUSV standard for the German shepherd dog in the United States to those organizations that have a completely different mind set about the character of the German shepherd dog. Please take into account that the WDA as an organization is not recognized by the WUSV but the GSDCA is recognized by the WUSV.

As we enter into the Holiday Season, I ask each of you to take the time to be thankful for what we have accomplished over the past thirty three years as an organization. If all of us were to put forth the positive and selfless effort, on even the smallest scale that is exhibited by many of our members in our local clubs, committees and boards many more will be able to experience success with their dogs. I am pleased to say that we continue excellent relations with the SV as a full member club within the WUSV. I look forward to continuing our working relationship between the SV and the United Schutzhund Clubs of America in the months and years to come.

As always, I wish to express my sincere thanks to each and every member for their continued support and their spirit of camaraderie in furthering the goals of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America. For more than thirty-three years, the efforts of our membership to protect and preserve the German shepherd dog through the use of our breed evaluations have continued to ensure that our future generations will be able to experience the joy of owning a German shepherd dog with true working temperament.

I wish each of you happiness and success with your dogs in all walks of your life!

Lyle Roetemeyer
United Schutzhund Clubs of America
for the German shepherd dog

Monday, November 2, 2009

Twin County SchH Club Trial Report

Karen sent a nice trial report and tribute to Rudi Mietzner. Read it on the Club Reports page.