Friday, January 28, 2011

Seeking the class of 2011 scholarship candidates!

The Schutzhund USA Youth Scholarship is intended to be recognition in the form of an educational grant to those well-rounded student scholars. Winning a scholarship is beneficial to any student, even several years following their receipt of the award. The Schutzhund USA Youth Scholarship Committee believes that it is very important for students to recognize their own potential early in their academic careers in order for them to foster its growth—receiving recognition from an organization or company helps the students take this step.


1. Must maintain a good standing with the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (or any AWDF affiliated club)
2. Must be a United States citizen or classified as a permanent resident attending any high school within the United States
3. Must demonstrate involvement in the dog sport with an AWDF organization and involvement with school or community activities
4. Must show a sound interest and positive attitude toward higher education.
5. Must intend to enroll in a full time degree program at any college, university, business or technical school within the United States


Michele Scarberry

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From the Regional Director

Hi Everyone,

I am happy to report that Tri-State Schutzhund Association has confirmed that they will host this year’s (2011) Regional Championships. Big Sky Schutzhund Club will assist to the best of our abilities. The trial date has tentatively been proposed for Sept. 17-18, and they have some leads on judge(s) and venue, but aren’t ready to share yet until they get them more formalized.

Thus, this email is primarily to ask you to save the date, and ask that you let me know of any conflicts I should make them aware of. I look forward to a chance to see everyone there. I would also like to warmly thank Hundesport Alaska who, with help from the Alaska Schutzhund Club, submitted a preliminary bid and held several discussions with an eye toward bidding for the Regionals should Tri-State have been unable to step up this year. I anticipate a bid from them for the 2012 Regionals, and I urge you to do what you can to support them next year.

Finally, thanks to everyone who sent good wishes our way—Harley is recovering nicely from the surgery, and we are waiting to hear the results from the pathology.
