As you hopefully are now aware, the Regional Meeting will take place on the evening of Sept 24, starting at 5:00 pm at the Host Hotel (The Best Western Plus Coeur d’ Alene Inn 506 West Appleway in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho). You received prior notification of this event on or before August 16. While my prior message in July (see below) intimated that there were a few bylaws changes that would be good to implement, I don’t believe that this message was sufficiently detailed to count as official notification of a bylaws amendment proposal (“…a copy of the proposed amendment…”). Since such a proposal is due 30 days prior to the Regional meeting, I’m afraid our bylaws will have to stand for another year, barring a regional meeting before the 2012 Regional Championships. That 30-day deadline passed yesterday.
Below please find an agenda for the meeting for comment. The main headings below are specified by the bylaws, and I have added information in some sections about what I propose to be part of the discussion in those sections. As always, constructive feedback is welcome!
- Roll Call
- Reading of the Minutes
- Formal reading may be waived by vote, minutes do need approval. Draft minutes attached. These have been available on the website through a link on the home page for some time.
- Report of the Regional Director
- I will attempt to provide a written report prior to the meeting to shorten this step
- Report of the Treasurer
- Report of the Committees
- Election of Members of the Board
- Regional director
- Asst. Regional Director
- Regional Training Director
- Regional Breed Warden
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Proposals to limit the rate of decimation of the Regional Fund.
- Selection of host clubs for the Regional championship, regional breed show and regional helper seminar, 2012
- For Good of the Region
- Adjournment
Yours in the Sport,
Warren L Jones
PNW Regional Director