Monday, October 17, 2011

From the Regional Director: Part 2

Part 2: Regional Events and Regional Fund Sustainability

The 2011 regional meeting participants had two primary priorities before them which the delegates present tackled deliberately, decisively, and with absolutely no self serving agendas present. It was without rancor and absolutely refreshing in it's tenor.

It was noted that despite the best efforts of well-intended, highly capable clubs and individuals to host and indeed pull off first class regional events, these events were entirely underrepresented by other clubs in the region.

Twin County Schutzhund Club sponsored this year's Regional Helper Seminar featuring Dennis Vander Linde the Director of the UScA Helper Committee. By all accounts it was an excellent event both in its preparation and Dennis' work with the various helpers. However, no UScA club helpers aside from TCSC's own attended although Karen noted the participation of several non affiliated helpers who later obtained UScA membership. Karen would further like it noted that although the event itself was in the red, it most certainly generated "income" from participant dues and to UScA itself through new membership.

Tri State Schutzhund Association sponsored this year's Regional Championship putting together an excellent venue with gorgeous tracking, a World respected judge, and National level helpers. Gail, Sue, Lynne and many others put on the kind of event that you know represented many, many months of hard work and preparation as it was pulled off without a hitch and seemingly effortlessly. Unfortunately, only one UScA club handler team chose to participate in the schutzhund portion, Lynne Lewis with Galina. But through the concerted efforts of Warren and the organizers many friends and independent UScA members showed to support the event with a myriad of TRs, OBs, and last minute entries. Gail was proud to report the event will not be requiring reimbursement by the region.

In lieu of the limited participation at these two regionally mandated events, the delegates began earnest consideration on two main issues. The first, how to stem the regional funds' recent outflow that we may support these events and remain viable; and second, what steps may be taken to "hopefully" increase participation at next year's regional venues.

The Regional Fund

It was proposed by Lynne Lewis that the region adopt funding for the Regional Championship similar to the Canadians in their respective regions. Every club will "sponsor" two schutzhund entry fees for the Regional Championship. They would then have the option to either send two members to fill those pre-paid spots or the money would default toward support of the event. This motion was passed and, to the credit of the delegates present and an excellent idea, both our solvency and ability to continue hosting quality events was assured.

The Regional Championships, Conformation Show/Breed Survey and Helper Seminar

After lengthy discussion, considerations of precedents, and the regional bylaws, the delegates voted on and made the following changes for 2012. As an overview, it was sincerely hoped by all present that these changes would encourage growth in participation from all in the region.
  1. The Regional Championship and Helper Seminar will be held on the same weekend to help defray overall costs. They will be held at a neutral venue to be determined and coordinated by the regional director's office. It will be absolutely essential for this concept to work that clubs with "boots on the ground" and local knowledge volunteer lending the necessary guidance and support.
  2. The Regional Conformation Show and breed survey would remain a stand alone event as it has historically been revenue positive for the hosting club. Since no bid was received, it was left as unfinished business and bids will be solicited going forward.
As it stands today, these events will be scheduled late summer and south of Tacoma.

It was with high optimism that the meeting was adjourned in that it very well addressed our fiscal needs and hopefully some incentive for more of our members' return to regional participation.

However, it should lastly be noted that the results of this meeting may very well be challenged in reference to specific bylaw compliance or their meaning and intent. These concerns may well be legitimate, so it is hoped that any who were not in attendance who may have these concerns bring them forward in a timely manner that they may be appropriately redressed.

Best regards,
Kevin Nance

Thursday, October 13, 2011

From the Regional Director

This is the first of a four part message to expand upon discussions and the near unanimous consensus from our regional meeting regarding the state of our region. Proposals to "turn the tide" of nonparticipation at regionally mandated events, and the resultant dwindling of our regional fund will be discussed in depth beyond the scope of the meeting's minutes. Should we fail in these endeavors, it was generally agreed that in two years we will again be meeting, not just to elect new officers, but also to discuss the future viability of the PNW Region.

Part 1:  Apathy, Antipathy, and Elections

The combined apathy and antipathy displayed by too many key individuals within our region has deteriorated to the point where UScA mandated events are not being supported. This is too often because of de facto boycotts due to who is "hosting" a respective event. The multi-year shrinkage of the regional fund to subsidize the clubs hosting these events thus becomes the litmus of our ability to be self-sustaining. To not be self-supporting would necessarily require our eventual  dissolution and absorption into another region.
The regional meeting clearly displayed this apathy and the overall consensus that "things will never change". The very fact that I was being considered for the regional director's position over the half dozen people in the room with 25 to 30 years in the sport was testimony enough. Asked individually if each clubs representative would consider the position was met with a resounding no; asked what each representative knew about me could cumulatively be described as "not much". My paraphrased reply:
"That is absolutely pathetic. We care so little about the state of our region and who runs it that we're willing to 'settle for some schmuck from Alaska' with far less legitimacy in the sport than most in this room, and whom you know little to nothing about. And, there are three other representatives in the region who know me at least in passing, expressed unsolicited support, and yet are not present. We were absolutely in need of their presence as well if hope for an unassailable consensus was to be achieved."
It was further clearly established that interpersonal antipathy among multiple protagonists within the region was irreconcilable and detrimental to the business of the region.  Our overall region is no different than the microcosm example in Alaska where the three entities unfortunately "don't play well together," many of our Canadian friends, or multiple other UScA Regions.  The only difference between us and "them" is their ability to put differences aside to support in a sustainable way their mandated events. We, like the now defunct UScA Rocky Mountain Region, are in the process of failing as evidenced by the continued diminishment of our regional fund.
Following the aforementioned discussions, I queried those in attendance:
"What's in this for me to leave a contented time in my life with a retired wife, empty nest, ability to travel, train and trial, and de facto part time job leading to near full time dog training to accept working for you all? I have 'no proverbial dogs' in any of these fights so why should I care?"
The resounding silence that followed prompted an answer to what had become my own rhetorical question:
"I will accept this position and give it my absolute all IF the clubs in this region provide the consensus, tools, and support necessary to 'have a chance' for us to cumulatively succeed. I do not wish to be the next in a continuing line of well-intentioned good people who continue status quo into a deteriorating, unsustainable situation."
We unanimously agreed: the status quo was not going to cut it...
Best regards to all,

Kevin Nance