Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trial Results now on website!

Just wanted to let my reader know that the trial results are now being posted on the website as they come in. That's the perks of having the Regional Director and the Webmaster under the same roof. You may find them at:

Please check them for spelling and other errors.

-sam in Montana

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rose City WDA Announcements

Rose City Working Dog Association has a new website! Visit us! — the URL is

We are having a trial in Canby, Oregon, Oct. 31st with SV Judge Frank Mensing. The trial flyer and entry form are available on the website.

Rose City WDA is also proud to announce that our club will be hosting the Pacific Northwest Regional USA Trial for 2010.

More information, including contact info will be coming soon and will be found on the site's "Upcoming Events" page

Thursday, September 17, 2009

WVSC trial Sept 26-27 2009

Afternoon all

Just a reminder that entries must be received by Sept 23rd that is next Wednesday. If you know anyone who needs a trial not on this email list please forward.

I'll email out a schedule as soon as entries close.

Willamette Valley Schutzhund Club

Official Trial Notice for Twin County Schutzhund Club

October 24 & 25, 2009


Foreign SV Judge Rudi Mietzner

Helpers: Mark Glastetter (primary), Matt Nieuwkoop (alternate)

WHERE? Frontier Park, Pierce County Fair Grounds. Graham, WA

This unique park is located eight (8) mils south of Puyallup on Washington State Highway 161. The park’s carefully manicured lawn and rustic buildings are easy to spot off of Meridian in the Graham area. How to get there:

  • From I-5 take Exit 127 to Puyallup/Mount Rainier (SR 512)
  • Head east to the Meridian/Eatonville Exit (South Hill Mall Exit)
  • Turn right onto Meridian (heading south onto Highway 161)
  • Proceed about eight (8) miles south to Graham
  • Turn right at 218th Street directly into Frontier Park at the traffic light
WHEN? Sunday Meet at field 7:00 a.m. for tracking (travel to off site);

10:00 a.m. approx. for obedience/protection

CLASSES/FEES: SchH/VPG A, I, II, III $36 + $4 USA fee

B, WH, OB 1, 2, 3, TR 1, 2, 3, AD $26 + $4 USA fee

SCOREBOOKS: USA or AWDF scorebooks or other accepted books USA stamped OR $50 day of trial pending submittal of scorebook.

Everyone Welcome

Karen Bostwick

8023 Mazama St. S.W.

Olympia, WA 98512

(360) 943-4707 evngs

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hi all – A short update on the situation with Mark. His memorial service will be held at Meierhoffer Funeral Home in St. Joe, MO on September 8 from 6 to 8 pm.

I also wanted to let you know what will happen with the Director of Judges position and interim arrangements. Sometime later next week, the Executive Board will begin the process of selecting an interim Director of Judges, probably to serve the 13 months until November 2010 (when the position is normally up for election). Pending the appointment of that interim Director, the President, Lyle Roetemeyer, will handle any requests for judges and trial dates as normally handled by the DOJ.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

05 September 2009

Dear Sportsfriends,

I am sorry to have to tell you that our Director of Judges, Mark Przybylski, passed away from a heart attack early this morning. Mark was a good friend to the sport, the breed and our organization, as well as personally befriending and mentoring many of us. The funeral home is sponsoring a guest book where you may view and share rememberances and condolences here.


Sad News

Dear Sportsfriends,

I am sorry to have to tell you that our Director of Judges, Mark Przybylski, passed away from a heart attack early this morning. Mark was a good friend to the sport, the breed and our organization, as well as personally befriending and mentoring many of us.

I will keep you informed of any memorial services or other events commemorating his life.