Friday, November 13, 2009

President's Statement

November 12, 2009

During the past year I committed myself to open a dialogue between the WDA and USA for the betterment of the German shepherd dog in the United States. Those discussions actually led to an agreement to work out details of a merger. However, the possibility of a merger unfortunately dissipated when the WDA signed a contract to continue their association with the GSDCA.

As an organization, we should be very proud of our accomplishments over the past thirty three years. The United Schutzhund Clubs of America, as a breed club, has played a most significant role in reestablishing the German shepherd dog in the United States as a truly utilitarian breed. I was recently reminded, by a GSDCA member that the GSDCA is the oldest German shepherd dog club in the world with the exception of the SV. Isn’t it strange, as to the severe differences in both structure and temperament that now exist?

The recent by-law change that was presented at the General Board Meeting was done so with one thought in mind: to protect the United Schutzhund Clubs of America and the FCI breed standard for the German shepherd dog by eliminating the “Conflict of Interest” that is evidenced by those members who are also members of competing German shepherd dog organizations. This by-law change was accepted by the necessary 2/3 majority vote of the General Board. Several of those that were in the 1/3 minority have admitted to being members of the GSDCA and GSDCA WDA. Obviously, this is a conflict of interest, whether they were conscious of it or not.

The by-law is now in effect for anyone seeking membership in the United Schutzhund Clubs of America and will affect current members when they renew their membership.

I have received many letters and phone calls of support for this by-law change from our membership and of course have also heard from those that are unhappy with the outcome. Many have expressed that they are not happy about being told what they can or cannot do. I ask you to think of the future and the necessary steps to protect our breed and our organization from those who may attempt to destroy it and you will possibly come to the same realization as those members of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America whom voted in favor of this by-law. This by-law shall make evident that we, as an organization, cannot and will not sacrifice thirty three years of effort to reestablish the FCI and WUSV standard for the German shepherd dog in the United States to those organizations that have a completely different mind set about the character of the German shepherd dog. Please take into account that the WDA as an organization is not recognized by the WUSV but the GSDCA is recognized by the WUSV.

As we enter into the Holiday Season, I ask each of you to take the time to be thankful for what we have accomplished over the past thirty three years as an organization. If all of us were to put forth the positive and selfless effort, on even the smallest scale that is exhibited by many of our members in our local clubs, committees and boards many more will be able to experience success with their dogs. I am pleased to say that we continue excellent relations with the SV as a full member club within the WUSV. I look forward to continuing our working relationship between the SV and the United Schutzhund Clubs of America in the months and years to come.

As always, I wish to express my sincere thanks to each and every member for their continued support and their spirit of camaraderie in furthering the goals of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America. For more than thirty-three years, the efforts of our membership to protect and preserve the German shepherd dog through the use of our breed evaluations have continued to ensure that our future generations will be able to experience the joy of owning a German shepherd dog with true working temperament.

I wish each of you happiness and success with your dogs in all walks of your life!

Lyle Roetemeyer
United Schutzhund Clubs of America
for the German shepherd dog

Monday, November 2, 2009

Twin County SchH Club Trial Report

Karen sent a nice trial report and tribute to Rudi Mietzner. Read it on the Club Reports page.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More on the Bylaws amendment from those in the know.

The following are the text of two messages from members of the Executive Board in support of the bylaws amendment restricting USA members from being (for all intents and purposes) members of WDA or even GSDCA. The first is from Johannes Grewe, and the second is from USA National Breed Warden Tim Burke. I hope that you find them enlightening.

First, from Johannes Grewe:

First of all let me clarify that these proposed by-law changes has the support of the Executive Officers and Directors at Large of USCA. In addition the Executive Board had been consulted and it was evident that the majority of the EB agreed to the proposed by-law changes.

When one studies the history of USCA as I have for many years it becomes very obvious that these proposed by-law changes are long overdue.

One needs to know that USCA is the organization that has brought the true German Shepherd Dog to the US against the will of the long time existing German Shepherd Dog organization within the American Kennel Club.

One also needs to know that USCA is not affiliated within the World Kennel Club and perhaps will never become a member of the World Kennel Club (FCI).

This factor makes USCA very fragile and we have enough tasks at hand keeping us accepted internationally.

Without the late WUSV President Peter Messler most likely we would not even be a member of the World Union of German Shepherd Dogs, WUSV.

The AKC German Shepherd Dog Club, GSDCA has opposed the membership of USCA in the WUSV.

I hope we all agree that the AKC and the GSDCA do not like the true German Shepherd Dog and would wish that this subject would never have risen.

The attempt of establishing a working dog program by the AKC was never been fully sanctioned by either organization AKC or GSDCA. Only some members who hate USCA and the entire Schutzhund movement in the US were behind the WDS program. The newly discussed program of listing Schutzhund Titles in the AKC pedigree does not promise to bring any progress to the true German Shepherd Dog.

The AKC and GSDCA dog is a completely different dog than the true German Shepherd Dog promoted by the SV and internationally by the WUSV. The dog is different in structure and different in temperament.

The AKC and GSDCA dog is very different to the USCA promoted dog.

Membership in both organizations creates a conflict of interest.

The Working Dog Association, WDA as I have recently learned from the WDA President is a separate organization from the GSDCA. However, it has been since the beginning and still is very strongly affiliated with the GSDCA. It seems to me that when ever it is necessary to point out that this affiliation is strongly established.

The WDA was formed by GSDCA President George Collins, Dr. David Landau, Dr. Alden Denman and others all from the GSDCA with the attempt to destroy USCA. I have witnessed George Collins and Dr. Landau several times in WUSV meetings doing everything they can against USCA.

Over the years WDA has been growing mostly with the help of USCA members. I assume that approximately 50% of their members are also USCA members. So, they slowly got stronger and today control the Show-Situation and we just watching this happen and keep watching them get stronger on the Schutzhund site too.

Several months ago we were consulted by the WDA President and started talking of forming an alliance to find common grounds for a friendly merger between our two organizations. I was a member of the USCA committee and attended the only one conference call we had. Everything seemed to be good. Later we learned that the WDA also had conversations with the GSDCA behind our back and signed a written agreement with the GSDCA.

Without the GSDCA the WDA is more than fragile; it is an organization not accepted anywhere and therefore needs the GSDCA. Without the GSDCA the SV will not release any judges to the WDA.

So here we are. I hope we all agree that the GSDCA is so different from us that a membership in both organizations creates a conflict of interest. You can only support either the true German Shepherd Dog or the creature established by the GSDCA. One should only support one or the other.

The WDA is the GSDCA-WDA and that should explain it all.

Thank you for your attention.

Johannes Grewe

From Tim Burke


The proposed by-law changes state nothing about where you can show or trial. That may also be discussed but it is a separate issue from what Johannes has stated in his proposed bylaw. I do know that to show at the WDA Sieger show you must be a WDA member.

I must admit that I had the same initial feeling that many have expressed “I live in America so don’t tell me what I can and can’t do!”. But after thinking it through and hearing some of the reasons for this proposal I can understand why this discussion needs to take place. I would like to point out why there are reasons to at least consider why this has been raised and ask that you evaluate the pros and cons of both sides and make an informed decision based on facts and not passionate internet rants.

Let’s consider for a moment what might happen in a typical competitive business situation. Two businesses are in competition with each other, both offer a similar product and both compete for the same customer. One business is older, more established, and much larger than the other. In business, several scenarios could play out. A friendly merger could take place, the assets, employees, and customers of the smaller business are merged with the larger one creating a homogenous company. If a friendly merger is not able to take place than the merger (consolidation) could take the form of a forced buyout. This is especially prevalent for publicly traded companies. And lastly, if the larger company is unable to complete the merger with either of the first two scenarios then it may try to force the smaller business out completely.

USA and WDA attempted to find common ground several months ago with the end goal being a “friendly” merger. Unfortunately the WDA is also tied into GSDCA and was simultaneously negotiating with them to improve that relationship. Many on the EB feel that we extended our trust to the WDA leadership and that our trust was violated.

From a breed standpoint the WDA is a small thorn in our side because they have different rules than us. They are very tightly tied to what they perceive the SV rules to be and do not have any separate considerations for our country. I think that most would agree that the rules for Germany do not always work well here in a country that is physically far larger and with far fewer participants in Schutzhund than Germany. We continue to be the only country in the world that is unwilling to embrace our own system and to stand up for ourselves. Some make the argument that the WDA has some credibility because they are an offspring of the GSDCA and therefore of the AKC. But I would like to point out some arguments against that. First ask yourself, if the AKC/GSDCA are tied so tightly to the WDA then why a separate program (Working Dog) for them instead of adopting the WDA and Schutzhund as the mainstream? Secondly, it is very unlikely that the AKC/GSDCA will ever adopt Schutzhund and the international (WUSV) breed standard. They are too firmly entrenched in their current way of doing things, the dogs are not genetically capable of doing the sport, and the handlers are also not capable. Please do not take the previous statement as without exception, because there are dogs and handlers that could do the sport but they are a minority. The last thing that an old school GSDCA person wants is a red and black, Schutzhund titled, German shepherd showing up at one of their specialty shows.

It will also be argued that we have too few trials and shows now and that we would be shutting down an alternative for our members. Well if WDA no longer exists, is the expectation that the WDA clubs and members would cease trialing and showing their dogs? I don’t think that is likely and I would expect that those who wish to trial and show will continue to do so, just with USA.

I am sure that there will be much discussion about this and I encourage you to ask questions, and evaluate the information for yourself. If the leadership within both WDA and USA have recognized that our breed is better served with one strong organization (as an alternative to GSDCA) than the question perhaps is not if, but of when?

Please have fun with your dogs and the sport, at the end of the day that is what really matters the most.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Regional business of several kinds

Happy Thursday everyone,

There are several things afoot that you need to be aware of. The General Board meeting is coming in just over a month and that means busy…

  1. If you or any member of your club is planning on attending the National Championship in Davenport, IA, IT IS IMPERATIVE that you get a delegate letter sent in. According to all the rules, that letter must be RECEIVED by Sara Wallick by October 5, 2009. As you will see below, there are several issues confronting us that your participation is vital to. The instructions and forms are available at If your club cannot send a delegate, but is willing to trust someone outside the club who is going to the meeting, consider making them a club member, and submit a revised club membership form along with your delegate letter. I’ll probably catch some flak for that suggestion, as it does violate the spirit if not the letter of the law.

  2. The only trophy left on the nationals web site is for high scoring Pacific Northwest dog.I have convinced my wife to sponsor the trophy in the name of her business, K9FUNdamentals. I would have suggested the Regional Fund sponsor it, but that requires a full vote, and I wanted that hole plugged fast – it is embarrassing that ours was the last region to get our trophy sponsored. If you have a problem with this, please contact me privately.

  3. At an Executive Board conference call on Sept. 28, a variety of items were discussed. Among them…
    • Please be sure that, if you schedule an SV judge, you allow LOTS of time to get the paperwork done. The hangup is not Stephanie Dunion – she gets stuff turned around pretty quick. It’s on the SV end. In addition, be very careful to ensure that any FCI judge you might wish to use also is properly documented. There was a recent case with an SV judge attempting to over-book a trip to the states by doing the excess trials under an FCI license that now appears to be invalid. Check with Nathaniel Roque, our new DOJ, if there is a question.

    • No bids have been submitted for the Working Dog Championships in 2010, and only one bid has been received for the Nationals next fall; that is from a club that has never even hosted a Regional, as far as they (WC/NE committee) can tell. Experienced clubs are needed to host these events; if none come forward, there is talk of the National Organization picking a location and running everything from the top. I’m not sure how that works, but it’s probably similar to the way the Sieger show is run.

  4. A number of bylaws changes were discussed, and I will get you the final proposed changes as soon as they are complete. I can fill you in on the gist of a couple of them, however. Keep in mind these are PROPOSEDbylaws changes – they’ll get voted on at the GBM:

    • Article IV, Section 2 would be amended to prohibit any USA member from being a member of any competing German Shepherd organization in the US. Several other sections of the bylaws require modification to fit with this change. The clear and intentional ramification of this is that you cannot be a member of USA and a member of either WDA or GSDCA at the same time. I am fully aware that this will be a real problem for a number of folks, and even at least one club in our region. I plan on taking my cue on this vote from the clubs and individual members in the region, so I look forward to hearing from you on this. Please help out all of us, though, and refrain from sending hot-tempered responses to everyone on this mailing list. If you want to send them to me, that’s fine.

    • A couple of other changes, definitely for the better in my opinion – a forming club can go straight to full status (no affiliation trial) if they’ve been an AWDF-member club for 4 years and hosted trials;
    • the annual trial requirement would be changed to say “any USA-sponsored event” – i.e., a helper seminar and classification, etc.;
    • Club dues would be due June 1 everywhere for every club – after 60 days you drop to affiliate status;
    • the Executive Board will shrink by 1 or 2 members.
I submitted my own club (Big Sky) for the GEC Regional award, and I have one other club that I am browbeating into submitting a nomination. The deadline was extended, so if your club can use $250…

Thanks for sitting thru a long email. I hope training is going well for everyone and that at the very least, you’re enjoying each others’ company.

Yours in the sport,
Warren Jones

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trial Results now on website!

Just wanted to let my reader know that the trial results are now being posted on the website as they come in. That's the perks of having the Regional Director and the Webmaster under the same roof. You may find them at:

Please check them for spelling and other errors.

-sam in Montana

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rose City WDA Announcements

Rose City Working Dog Association has a new website! Visit us! — the URL is

We are having a trial in Canby, Oregon, Oct. 31st with SV Judge Frank Mensing. The trial flyer and entry form are available on the website.

Rose City WDA is also proud to announce that our club will be hosting the Pacific Northwest Regional USA Trial for 2010.

More information, including contact info will be coming soon and will be found on the site's "Upcoming Events" page

Thursday, September 17, 2009

WVSC trial Sept 26-27 2009

Afternoon all

Just a reminder that entries must be received by Sept 23rd that is next Wednesday. If you know anyone who needs a trial not on this email list please forward.

I'll email out a schedule as soon as entries close.

Willamette Valley Schutzhund Club

Official Trial Notice for Twin County Schutzhund Club

October 24 & 25, 2009


Foreign SV Judge Rudi Mietzner

Helpers: Mark Glastetter (primary), Matt Nieuwkoop (alternate)

WHERE? Frontier Park, Pierce County Fair Grounds. Graham, WA

This unique park is located eight (8) mils south of Puyallup on Washington State Highway 161. The park’s carefully manicured lawn and rustic buildings are easy to spot off of Meridian in the Graham area. How to get there:

  • From I-5 take Exit 127 to Puyallup/Mount Rainier (SR 512)
  • Head east to the Meridian/Eatonville Exit (South Hill Mall Exit)
  • Turn right onto Meridian (heading south onto Highway 161)
  • Proceed about eight (8) miles south to Graham
  • Turn right at 218th Street directly into Frontier Park at the traffic light
WHEN? Sunday Meet at field 7:00 a.m. for tracking (travel to off site);

10:00 a.m. approx. for obedience/protection

CLASSES/FEES: SchH/VPG A, I, II, III $36 + $4 USA fee

B, WH, OB 1, 2, 3, TR 1, 2, 3, AD $26 + $4 USA fee

SCOREBOOKS: USA or AWDF scorebooks or other accepted books USA stamped OR $50 day of trial pending submittal of scorebook.

Everyone Welcome

Karen Bostwick

8023 Mazama St. S.W.

Olympia, WA 98512

(360) 943-4707 evngs

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hi all – A short update on the situation with Mark. His memorial service will be held at Meierhoffer Funeral Home in St. Joe, MO on September 8 from 6 to 8 pm.

I also wanted to let you know what will happen with the Director of Judges position and interim arrangements. Sometime later next week, the Executive Board will begin the process of selecting an interim Director of Judges, probably to serve the 13 months until November 2010 (when the position is normally up for election). Pending the appointment of that interim Director, the President, Lyle Roetemeyer, will handle any requests for judges and trial dates as normally handled by the DOJ.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

05 September 2009

Dear Sportsfriends,

I am sorry to have to tell you that our Director of Judges, Mark Przybylski, passed away from a heart attack early this morning. Mark was a good friend to the sport, the breed and our organization, as well as personally befriending and mentoring many of us. The funeral home is sponsoring a guest book where you may view and share rememberances and condolences here.


Sad News

Dear Sportsfriends,

I am sorry to have to tell you that our Director of Judges, Mark Przybylski, passed away from a heart attack early this morning. Mark was a good friend to the sport, the breed and our organization, as well as personally befriending and mentoring many of us.

I will keep you informed of any memorial services or other events commemorating his life.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Twin County SchH Club Fall Trial

October 24 & 25, 2009
Foreign SV Judge Rudi Mietzner
Helpers: Mark Glastetter (primary) and _________ (alternate)

WHERE? Frontier Park, Pierce County Fair Grounds. Graham, WA
This unique park is located eight (8) miles south of Puyallup on Washington State Highway 161. The park’s carefully manicured lawn and rustic buildings are easy to spot off of Meridian in the Graham area.
How to get there:
  • From I-5 take Exit 127 to Puyallup/Mount Rainier (SR 512)
  • Head east to the Meridian/Eatonville Exit (South Hill Mall Exit)
  • Turn right onto Meridian (heading south onto Highway 161)
  • Proceed about eight (8) miles south to Graham
  • Turn right at 218th Street directly into Frontier Park at the traffic light

WHEN? Sunday Meet at field 7:00 a.m. for tracking (travel to off site)
     10:00 a.m. approx. for obedience/protection
     SchH/VPG A, I, II, III          $36 + $4 USA fee
     B, WH, OB 1, 2, 3, TR 1, 2, 3, AD     $26 + $4 USA fee
SCOREBOOKS: USA or AWDF scorebooks or other accepted books USA stamped OR $50 day of trial pending submittal of scorebook.

Everyone Welcome
Karen Bostwick
8023 Mazama St. S.W.
Olympia, WA 98512
(360) 943-4707 evngs

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Willamette Valley SchH Club Trial Announcement

Schutzhund Trial Sept 25-26-27 2006

SV Judge Volker Diesem

For trial packet and more information, go to

Contact: Mary Dygert

Entries must be received by Sept 23 2009 * NO Late Entries

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Snohomish Schutzhund Club Trial Announcement

I am writing to inform you of our club trial at the Snohomish Schutzhund Club. We are excited to offer our annual club trial on September 12-13, 2009. Please check out our club trial web site for all the information you need to know about the trial such as entry forms, schedules, and directions.

Please pass the word around and let everyone know that the Snohomish Schutzhund Club is hosting their annual club trial.

Please click on the link below for our club trial web site:

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter and we look forward is seeing you all at our club grounds to enjoy a weekend of exciting competitive German Dog Sport.

Best regards,
Padraig Maloney
UScA SSC Full Member Club
Snohomish SchH Club Member

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Trial Announcement Hundesport Alaska

USCA Judge Randall Hoadley

September 4-5-6 2009
United Schutzhund Clubs of America Sanctioned Schutzhund Trial & Seminar

Entries Close: September 1, 2009 Late Fee: $10.00

Friday Sept. 4th Kincaid Hundeplatz, Anchorage AK @ 6:00 pm
BH , OB1, OB2, OB3

Saturday Sept. 5th Tracking, Palmer Alaska @ 7:00 am
Sch I, Sch II, Sch III, TR1, TR2, TR3

Saturday Sept 5th Obedience & Protection Kincaid Hundeplatz
Anchorage, Alaska @ 12:00 pm
Sch A, Sch 1, Sch 11, Sch 111

Saturday Sept 5th Judges Dinner Location & Time TBA

Sunday Sept 6th Training Seminar Kincaid Hundeplatz
Anchorage, Alaska 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

BH, OB1,2,3, TR1,2,3, Sch A Entry Fee: $40.00
Sch 1, 11, 111 Entry Fee: $65.00
Training Seminar: Entry Fee: $50.00

Mail Entry To: Katherine Carmen (907) 602-2012
521 W 91st Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99515

To Contact us, or for more information go to:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Big Sky SchH Club Trial

Hello Sportsfriends
Big Sky Schutzhund Club is pleased to announce our “fall” trial for 2009 – August 29 and 30 with USA Craig Groh. We will be doing BHs and most of the SchH/VPG/IPO dogs on Saturday, we’ll have a bbq at our clubhouse, and then do an FH and possibly some SchH 1’s for BHs from Saturday. We’ll finish up with WHs and have some fun. Tracking is on prime agricultural soil carefully maintained as the experimental agronomy farm for Montana State University, currently in summer fallow.

Details and links to an entry form can be found at the “what’s new” page on

And Bozeman, MT is just a short 13-hour drive from Olympia, a piddling 6.5 hours from Spokane, and 15 hours from central Oregon!

Best of luck to all the handlers at the regionals next week, and feel free to contact me with questions on our trial!

Warren Jones
President, Big Sky Schutzhund Club

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Yvonne T wrote:

Do you have any idea what the stats for the site might look like?

Hi Yvonne,

The site is listed with Google Analytics... The site, since it opened on 15th December, has had 316 visits from 245 unique visitors. They got there by: (referral)
202 ... 63.92%
(direct) ((none))
69 ... 21.84%
google (organic)
13 ... 4.11% (referral)
6 ... 1.90% (referral)
5 ... 1.58%

I think charging a small fee would be appropriate, especially since this
site should be relevant to anyone looking for something local. How would
the placement work?

I think there would be two kinds of ads: one, a business card type ad on the home page, would advertise breeders, businesses, etc. for an annual fee;
the second would be a full page ad for stud dogs, litters, etc., linked to the advertising page, that would be a one time fee and run for a specific period of time, like 30 days.

We could also do pages for regional clubs that don't have websites... that could be free, or a small fee to help with our annual hosting charges...

Who would do the design? Are there any visual/design standards? Any extra cost for design?

I currently have an ad up on the advertising page from Lynn Lewis. Lynn is happy to pay whatever we decide, but I wanted to get it up there now while the news was current and so people could see what a litter ad might look like. Lynn sent the pics and text. I didn't have to do any design except optimize the pics and set up the page... nothing special, took under 10 minutes, so there were no design considerations...

Business card ads would have to be sent in a .jpg, .gif or .png file, making them "website" ready...

Thanks!!! for your comments! It's nice to know someone is out there!
-sam in Montana

Monday, January 5, 2009

Bylaws / Regionals

To the Pacific Northwest Region

The Regional Bylaws require that the region hold two regional meetings a year, one at the regional championship and one approximately six months later. This past year (2008), we had two regional meetings during the summer. While we could attempt to hold another one in the next couple of months, I doubt we'd get much of a response, what with passes closing, lots of snow on the ground and so on. However, we still have regional business to conduct. Our bylaws do not really provide for "electronic" meetings, but neither do they prohibit them. Sturgis recognizes the usefulness of electronic meetings, and while it takes a somewhat conservative attitude, there is no real reason that we can't try and get some business done by email. The other provisions of the bylaws that seem to apply are that 30 days notice are required for any action (calling a meeting, amending bylaws, etc.), so I will be using a 30-day timeline for any business that normally is conducted by the region in its meetings rather than by the RD alone.

First on the agenda, then, is that we have received a request to host the Regional Championship. I am pleased to announce that GSSC has secured a judge (Lance Collins) and a date (August 15 and 16) and is volunteering to host the championship (stadium still TBA, but several options exist). Since we had no bids in either of the summer's regional meetings, it seems reasonable to allow GSSC to host the event. If your club is interested in hosting the regional championships, let me know ASAP, so that I can notify the region. If no other clubs volunteer within thirty days of the date of this message, I will award the regional championships to GSSC.

Second, we still need a replacement for Lynn Lewis to fill the position of Regional Training Director. Also, we need a club to host our Regional Sieger Show. Anyone and club interested, please contact me A.S.A.P..

Third, Samie Jones from Bozeman Mt., spent her free time in developing, creating and setting up a website for our region. She did a tremendous job and she should be rewarded for her efforts. For the works involved in setting up the website and hosting fee, I am asking the region to reimburse her $118.80 which she paid for out of her family's budget. This covers us for approximately 2 years from the domain hosting of the site. I need all club delegates to send their clubs' approval to me for the regional fund to be expensed for this amount.

Willie J. Pope, Jr. (Pacific Northwest Regional Director)