Monday, January 5, 2009

Bylaws / Regionals

To the Pacific Northwest Region

The Regional Bylaws require that the region hold two regional meetings a year, one at the regional championship and one approximately six months later. This past year (2008), we had two regional meetings during the summer. While we could attempt to hold another one in the next couple of months, I doubt we'd get much of a response, what with passes closing, lots of snow on the ground and so on. However, we still have regional business to conduct. Our bylaws do not really provide for "electronic" meetings, but neither do they prohibit them. Sturgis recognizes the usefulness of electronic meetings, and while it takes a somewhat conservative attitude, there is no real reason that we can't try and get some business done by email. The other provisions of the bylaws that seem to apply are that 30 days notice are required for any action (calling a meeting, amending bylaws, etc.), so I will be using a 30-day timeline for any business that normally is conducted by the region in its meetings rather than by the RD alone.

First on the agenda, then, is that we have received a request to host the Regional Championship. I am pleased to announce that GSSC has secured a judge (Lance Collins) and a date (August 15 and 16) and is volunteering to host the championship (stadium still TBA, but several options exist). Since we had no bids in either of the summer's regional meetings, it seems reasonable to allow GSSC to host the event. If your club is interested in hosting the regional championships, let me know ASAP, so that I can notify the region. If no other clubs volunteer within thirty days of the date of this message, I will award the regional championships to GSSC.

Second, we still need a replacement for Lynn Lewis to fill the position of Regional Training Director. Also, we need a club to host our Regional Sieger Show. Anyone and club interested, please contact me A.S.A.P..

Third, Samie Jones from Bozeman Mt., spent her free time in developing, creating and setting up a website for our region. She did a tremendous job and she should be rewarded for her efforts. For the works involved in setting up the website and hosting fee, I am asking the region to reimburse her $118.80 which she paid for out of her family's budget. This covers us for approximately 2 years from the domain hosting of the site. I need all club delegates to send their clubs' approval to me for the regional fund to be expensed for this amount.

Willie J. Pope, Jr. (Pacific Northwest Regional Director)

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