Sunday, December 14, 2008


First topic for discussion: Advertising! I already have someone who wants to advertise a litter on the website. We, as a region, need to discuss what, if anything, to charge for litter announcements, puppies for sale, etc. Should these be free? A small donation to the region?

How about business card ads? I added my business to the homepage as an example... (I'm hoping the region will agree that that's my perk for working on the website, but that's something else that needs to be discussed!)

I personally would like to see the charge be small, say $20/year, for a business.

I advertise with the American Working Malinois Association for an annual $100 donation. I looked into advertising on the USA website, but it was gonna cost me more than $600. No way José! Since our regional website won't attract as many viewers as a national website will, I feel the cost of a business card ad should be less.

Should checks go to the Regional Treasurer? Legally, should they be donations?

Let me know what you think! Please comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

Do you have any idea what the stats for the site might look like? I think charging a small fee would be appropriate, especially since this site should be relevant to anyone looking for something local. How would the placement work? Who would do the design? Are there any visual/design standards? Any extra cost for design?
Just thinking out loud...
Have a great New Years up there in good old Bozeman!